Articles on: Payments

I get "Bad Request" or "Do not honour" message

If you use any bank card payment and it is not complete, that means your bank card issuer does not support 3D secure payments.

Starting from December 2020, all international payments should be executed with a security code confirmation only.
You may contact your bank and ask for a secure payment feature enabling and ask if it supports Strong customer authentication (SCA).

Otherwise, please use any other payment method like PayPal, Bitcoin, TransferWise and bank transfer.

Please do next:

Enable cookies, pop-up, and redirect windows in your browser.

Clear your web browser cash and history. Besides, we strongly recommend using Chrome, Safari or Firefox browsers and a secure internet connection.

Make sure your payment card is enabled with Strong customer authentication (SCA). You may contact your bank issuer to get assistance.

Due to the Revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) introduction, from December 2020, every EU electronic payment will come through a more secure payment method, and all bank card issuers have to comply with the new SCA rules. Otherwise, your payments rejected.

Updated on: 17/06/2022

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